Category: Finance

“Sell it or smell it,” is a concept I picked up while reading The Millionaire Mind.  In the aforementioned book, it was in reference to

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Capital is a crucial part of running a business. Some are fortunate to have enough cash reserves from which to pull needed funds, but most

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During one our game nights, my wife, sister, brother-in-law and I decided to play Monopoly. In a short span of time, I managed to secure

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The technical definition of a recession is two consecutive quarters of negative GDP (Growth Domestic Product). On a more simple level, it means there’s less

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Imagine running a marathon where for each mile you ran, the finish line was extended by .2 miles. After you run the first 5 miles,

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If you’re going to take a dance with the devil, you’d better understand his wily moves. “What do I mean by dancing with the devil,

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“The numbers don’t lie,” they say. This might be one of the biggest lies ever told. Numbers are often controlled by humans and because humans

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The United States is a debt based economy, meaning that our GDP is largely dependent upon borrowed money. As Ray Dalio put it, “One man’s

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Capital is a crucial part of running a business. Some are fortunate to have enough cash reserves from which to pull need funds, but most

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