The Power of Self-Mastery

14074959171I’ve concluded that the greatest of all human challenges is that of self-mastery. It is an art known by few and practiced by even fewer. Self-mastery is being able to control or change who you are. A few years ago, I embarked upon a journey that would change my life forever. I wanted to learn how to master myself. I knew what it meant by definition, but learning to apply it was something entirely different. It all started with the question why. Why did I do the things that I did? The question why opened my mind to understanding more about myself.

Since the brain is the control tower of my being, I wanted to start there. I started by reading books explaining how the brain works such as, Rewire Your Brain, The Power of Habit, The Will Power Instinct and Your Brain at Work. From these books I gained an in-depth understanding of how I learned, practiced and created the habits that were controlling my life. As a result of this learning, I would eventually come to an understanding of who I was and how I came to be.

It seemed that everything I was up to that point came from consistent programming of which I was hopelessly unaware. This programming started while I was yet in my mother’s womb and continued for more than 30 years before I became aware of it. This new understanding brought me clarity as to how I became who I was, and to the realization that I could change it. That’s right! I could intentionally change my programming to become exactly who I wanted to be.

For example: I considered the things that made me angry and decided that I was no longer going to be angered by them. I taught myself to take deep breaths when the feelings of anger arose. During those deep breaths, I remembered that I didn’t want to be angered by those things, so I didn’t allow myself to be angry. Each time I resisted the anger, I rewired my brain to have a new response. That new response soon became habit and no longer required conscious effort.

I was so excited about my success over anger that I decided to try it on other aspects of my life such as stress, exercising, healthier eating, patience, etc. I’ll admit that some programming has taken a little longer to rewrite than others, but I’m ultimately happy with the results. The realization of the power that I have over myself has brought about such excitement that I feel somewhat like an Alchemist who’s able to turn lead into gold.

You also have this power. If there is something that you’re habitually doing that you no longer want to do, you have the power to change it. It all starts with a deeper understanding of you. The great King Solomon said, “In all thy gettings, get an understanding.” It is through understanding that you can begin to make changes. When you start exercising the power to change you, you will ultimately change your life. You’ve tapped into the power of self-mastery.
Eric L. Lipsey